Skills 360 – Dealing with Problem People (Part 1)

The Skills 360 podcast is now available in iTunes: Free Subscription

The New Year is a really important time for most people. For one thing, we use it as a time for setting goals. And if you want some help doing that, be sure to check out the Skills 360 podcast on achieving your goals. The New Year is also a time when we feel refreshed and optimistic about the future. It’s a brand new start, right? Unfortunately, that feeling is not shared by everyone. You might go to the office in the New Year with a smile on your face, but there are people who seem determined to wipe it off. I’m talking about problem people.

Discussion Questions

1. What types of people do you find difficult to deal with at work?
2. How do you usually deal with people who are rude or uncooperative?
3. Have you ever wanted to change jobs because of someone you didn’t get along with?

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Skills 360 – Preparing for your Year-end Review

The Skills 360 podcast is now available in iTunes:
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The end of 2011 is fast approaching, and it’s the season for performance reviews and end-of-year appraisals.

Few people actually look forward to sitting down with their supervisor and talking about the past year. For most, it’s quite a nerve-wracking experience. But today I want to show you that if you’re prepared, there’s no reason to be shaking in your boots.

Discussion Questions

1. Does your company review employee performance regularly?
2. How do you feel when you are evaluated for the work you do?
3. What kind of preparation do you think is important for a year-end review?

Free Resources: Transcript | Quizzes | PDF Transcript

Download: Podcast MP3

Skills 360 – Making the Most of Personal Learning 2

Welcome back to the Skills 360 podcast.

The Skills 360 Podcast is now available in iTunes:
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In this lesson, we’re going to look at some more tips and ideas for making the most of your personal learning. Last week, we looked at setting yourself up with a system of personal learning. Today, we’re going to look at how to maintain your momentum and stay on track.

Discussion Questions

1. Do you have a regular schedule for studying English?
2. How can you know whether you’re improving your English skills?
3. What are your greatest personal motivators for studying English?

Free Resources: Transcript | Quizzes | PDF Transcript

Download: Podcast MP3

Skills 360 – Making the Most of Personal Learning 1

Welcome back to the Skills 360 podcast.

The Skills 360 Podcast is now available in iTunes:
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We’ve got a great lesson today on making the most of personal learning. We’ll start by looking at setting SMART goals and personalizing your studies with a personal learning plan. We’ll also look at how you can vary your input by using a variety of sources and study what is interesting and relevant to both you and your job.

Discussion Questions

1. What are the different things you do to study or practice English?
2. What aspect of English would you most like to improve?
3. What do you find are the best online resources for studying English?

Free Resources: Transcript | Quizzes | PDF Transcript

Download: Podcast MP3

Skills 360 Podcast is Now Available in iTunes

Business Skills 360 - The podcast that looks at the other side of Business English.
Our Business Skills 360 Podcast is now available in iTunes: Free iTunes Subscription

Business Skills 360 lessons provide essential tips and language for communicating in English. Free transcripts, quizzes and PDF downloads are available on the myBEonline website.

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