Skills 360 – Staying Positive (Part 1)

Welcome back to the Skills 360 podcast for today’s lesson on keeping a positive outlook.

It’s the start of a new year. And when you look ahead at 2013, what do you see? Do you see great things for yourself, for your business, or for your career? Or do you see doom and gloom, trouble in the workplace, and a global economic mess? Well, I hope you focus on all the positives, even if the negatives exist. And what I want to do is to help you focus on these good things, because positive thinking can help us get where we want to go.

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Skills 360 – Organizing your Ideas (Part 2)

Welcome back to the Skills 360 podcast for today’s lesson on organizing your ideas.

Last week we looked at several ways to brainstorm ideas. But once you have a big list of ideas, what are you going to do with them? That’s what we’ll talk about today.

We’ll look at how to organize your ideas around your objective and put them into groups of related points.

Discussion Questions

1. What are the different situations in your work in which you have to persuade people?
2. How much time would you normally spend preparing for a one-hour presentation?
3. What techniques do you use to develop and organize your ideas?

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Skills 360 – Organizing your Ideas (Part 1)

In today’s lesson, were going to look at how to organize your ideas.

When it comes to ideas, you’ve probably got lots of them. And sure, they’re important to you. But are they important to others? Well, they could be, but only if they’re clear and organized. You’ve probably been frustrated when people run on at length about what they think using vague language. And you’ve probably tuned out when someone jumps around chaotically from idea to idea without tying it all together with a purpose. That just doesn’t work. And sometimes it’s not the best ideas that win, but the ones that are most clearly articulated.

Today we’ll look at a few different frameworks for generating ideas. In this case, we’re using a form of organization to actually get the ideas flowing.

Discussion Questions

1. Do you have any special ways of brainstorming ideas?
2. Think of someone who you think speaks well. How does he/she organize ideas?
3. Do you ever write out lists of advantages and disadvantages or pros and cons?

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Skills 360 – Mind your Language (Part 2)

The Skills 360 podcast is now available in iTunes: Free Subscription

In today’s Skills 360 podcast we’re going to take another look at how to mind your language and soften your tone.

Discussion Questions

1. If you want to soften your language, what words do you use?
2. How careful are you not to offend people when you express your opinions?
3. Do you like it when people express their opinions very confidently?

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Skills 360 – Mind your Language (Part 1)

The Skills 360 podcast is now available in iTunes: Free Subscription

In today’s Skills 360 podcast we’re going to have a look at how to use modals, imperatives, and requests, to moderate your tone and soften your language.

Discussion Questions

1. How do you feel when people tell you what to do?
2. How important is it for a boss to be polite to his or her employees?
3. How do you soften your language to make suggestions?

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