Skills 360 – Giving and Receiving Feedback (Part 2)

Welcome back to Skills 360 for today’s lesson on receiving feedback with a positive attitude.

How do you feel when you hear something like this from your manager: “Listen, I really need to talk to you about the work you’ve been doing on that big project.” If you’re like most people, your heart starts beating a little faster and your mind starts racing. In fact, this is a common reaction to the idea that we’re about to receive feedback. We naturally don’t like it. But it’s important, so we need to learn how to receive feedback constructively.

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Skills 360 – Giving and Receiving Feedback (Part 1)

Welcome back to Skills 360 for today’s lesson on giving feedback.

Say “feedback” and a lot of people will immediately think of a performance review. You sit down with someone you manage and explain what they’re doing well and what they need to improve. It’s a situation we’ve all been in, on both sides of the desk.

However, feedback is much more than what we do in a structured and scheduled situation. Feedback is an ongoing process, and we give feedback to everyone around us, not just those who report to us. That includes colleagues and co-workers, and our managers or superiors. Feedback happens every day, between everyone in a company.

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Skills 360 – How to Get Good Customer Service (2)

Welcome back to the Skills 360 podcast. In today’s lesson, we’re going to look at how to get good customer service. More specifically, we’re going to learn how to complain properly and get a good solution.

It all starts with a problem. You buy a product and it doesn’t work right. You get frustrated. You paid good money but you’re not getting what you expected. It’s time to complain. So you go back to the store or you ring up a customer service line. This interaction could end with more frustration or it could end with satisfaction, depending on the outcome. So how can you get a good outcome?

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Skills 360 – How to Get Good Customer Service (1)

Welcome back to Skills 360 for today’s lesson on how to get good customer service.

You probably know what bad customer service looks like. We’ve all been there. Maybe you’ve stood in line at a computer store to return a defective piece of equipment and the clerk asks you rudely “Well, how do you know it’s broken? Did you plug it in?” Or you’ve called your phone company to change your service and when you finally make it through the voice menus to a real person, you get put on hold for 10 minutes. It’s crazy, right? We are paying customers, and we get treated like this? So if you’ve ever felt your blood boil in situations like these, listen up. Let’s talk about how to get good customer service.

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Skills 360 – Staying Positive (Part 2)

In today’s Skills 360 lesson we’re going to build on last weeks ideas and look at how you can implement at positive attitude at work.

In our last episode we talked about positive thinking. Today it’s all about maintaining a positive attitude toward others because it will help them feel good. And if you can do that, customers will want to do business with you, colleagues will want to work with you, and bosses will want to see you do well.

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