BEP 117 – Negotiations: Clarifying and Evaluating Positions

In this Business English Pod lesson we’re going to look at how to clarify and evaluate positions during a negotiation.

An important part of any discussion is making our position clear; at the same time, we must make sure we understand the other side’s point of view. Achieving mutual understanding can help us save money by avoiding missed opportunities. In addition, the ultimate goal of any negotiation is to create value. Therefore, evaluation – determining whether an offer or position is good or bad – plays an important role. So in this show we’ll study stating, clarifying, and evaluating positions.

Peter is the owner of mobile phone ringtone and game provider, Textacular. He is attempting to roll up, or buy, other small companies like his in an effort to increase the value of his company. Eventually, he wants to sell his business to a larger, regional service provider for a profit. In the listening, he is meeting with Maxine, owner of Gamester, to discuss a possible merger. As you listen, pay attention to how they clarify and evaluate each other’s positions.

Listening Questions

1) What is the basic source of disagreement between Maxine and Peter?
2) What are Maxine’s reasons for insisting on her price?
3) What does Peter mean when he says he has done “months of due diligence?”

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BEP 116 – Presentations: Analyzing Trends

In this Business English Pod episode, we’ll be completing our discussion of charts and graphs by studying language for making predictions and for supporting your predictions with analysis. We’ll also look at a couple of advanced ways to rhetorically emphasize a point. Rhetorical means using words effectively to get your message across.

Today’s listening continues Pat’s presentation of the market trends for Ambient and its competitors. This time Pat is coming to the “real story” – the main point – of his presentation. As you listen, see if you can catch what it is.

Listening Questions

1) What is the main focus of this part of Pat’s presentation?
2) What happened in 2005 that caused the trend in RPU to “break out” of “existing trend lines?”
3) What are Pat’s predictions for Ambient’s RPU in 2007?

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BEP 115 – Presentations: Describing Trends

In this episode from our e-Book on presenting in English, we’ll look at how to describe the trends show by a chart or graph. To get the background to the presentation and to review language for introducing visuals, you can refer back to BEP 103 – Charts and Trends 1.

A trend is the general direction or tendency of a metric or measurement – upward, downward, flat, fluctuating, peaking, bottoming out, and so on. So, you’ll be learning how to use these and many more terms for describing your charts and graphs in fluent, vivid sentences so that you can present your data with maximum impact.

Pat, Ambient’s new Central European finance director, has just finished talking about sales revenue and is now moving on to discuss market share. The visual he will be talking about is a line graph that compares the trends in market share over the last six quarters from Q1 2006 to Q2 2007. His discussion centers on the top three players in the mobile phone business – his own company, Ambient, and their two top competitors, CallTell and Sirus.

As you listen, pay attention to the trend language that Pat uses to describe the recent changes in the market.

Listening Questions

1) Which company has the largest share of the market at the beginning of 2006?
2) How does Pat describe his own company’s performance in 2006?
3) How big is the “others” group share of the market in Spring 2007?

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BEP 112 – Negotiations: Getting Started

This is part of an ongoing series on negotiations. In this Business English Podcast episode, we’ll study how to open a traditional commercial negotiation between buyer and seller. We’ll focus on creating goodwill, starting off, setting ground rules, suggesting an agenda and exploring possibilities.

We’ll be listening to a telephone conversation between Tony, a supplier of building materials, and Paul, a purchasing manager for a large construction company in Canada. Paul is buying materials for a harbor project. A harbor is a protected area of water where boats dock, or park. For this project, Paul needs to buy anchor bolts. These bolts are the thick steel screws that are embedded or buried in concrete to support or anchor structural steel columns. Structural columns refer to the steel frameworks that hold buildings up.

This is the first time Tony and Paul have talked on the phone. As you listen, pay attention to the language they use to get the negotiation started, and try to answer the following questions.

Listening Questions

1. How does Tony begin off the phone call to establish goodwill?
2. How long does Paul say he has available for the phone call?
3. Paul asks Tony how he will be using the bolts. How does Tony respond?
4. What other option does Paul want to explore with Tony?

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BEP 111 – Negotiations: Relationship Building

This Business English Podcast episode on relationship building is part of an ongoing series on negotiation skills.

In negotiation, establishing a good relationship based on trust makes it possible to jointly search for creative solutions, to overcome blockage and even to turn conflict into a productive force.

Both Peter and Maxine are owners of local telecommunication services that provide mobile phone users with ring tones and games. Peter’s company, Textacular, has a significant presence in Denmark; meanwhile, Maxine’s company, Gamester, is based in northern Germany.

Peter is working on a plan to sell his business to a large, European-wide telecom service provider. In an effort to increase his company’s value so that he can get more money for it, Peter wants to roll up or buy other local services like his. In today’s listening, he is having lunch with Maxine to find out whether she might be interested in selling her company. As the dialog starts, they have just ordered their food.

Listening Questions

1) Have Peter and Maxine met before?
2) What does Peter say is his and Maxine’s “biggest overlapping concern?”
3) How does Peter bring up the subject of a possible merger between his and Maxine’s company?

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