VV 39 – Financial English Vocabulary: Stocks and Shares (1)

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In this lesson, we’ll look at financial English vocabulary related to stocks and shares, which are one of several types of securities that are listed on exchanges. We’ll explore ideas such as brokers and brokerages, as well as stock indexes, initial public offerings, or IPOs and dividends.

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Skills 360 – Building a Better Vocabulary (Part 2)

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Welcome back to the Skills 360 for today’s lesson on how to improve your English vocabulary.

So, you’ve found some great resources for studying English that suit your purpose. You’ve got a variety of listening and reading material chock full of great words and expressions that you want to learn to use. But how do you do it? How do you take those words and expressions and not only remember them but also make them an active part of your working vocabulary? Well, there are several things to keep in mind, and a few key techniques that you can use, as we’ll see today.

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Skills 360 – Building a Better Vocabulary (Part 1)

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Welcome back to the Skills 360 for today’s lesson on how to improve your English vocabulary.

Many students of English have the feeling that they’ve learned pretty much all the grammar they need. Many also feel that they can understand fairly well and speak and write at an acceptable level. But these same people sometimes feel that they’re missing something, and that they say the same things in the same way all the time. In fact, once you’ve reached an intermediate level, vocabulary becomes more important than ever. You need to add more and more words, idioms, and expressions to your stock of language so that you can take the next step up in proficiency. So how can you learn new words? What are the secrets of expanding your vocabulary?

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