Business English Communication Skills

All Business English lessons for communicating in English. Our English communications skills lessons are listed below with the newest lessons first.

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Business English for Management Lessons

All English for managers lessons by Business English Pod lessons for management English. Our management English lessons are listed below with the most recent lessons first.

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Business English for HR Lessons

All English for human resources lessons.

This page features a collection of business English lessons specifically designed for HR professionals. Our HR English lesson covers a range of topics, including recruitment, performance management, employee engagement, and more. By exploring these lessons, HR professionals can gain insights into effective communication strategies and management techniques, and learn how to build better relationships with employees. These lessons are perfect for HR professionals looking to enhance their career prospects and take their skills to the next level.

Our English for HR English lessons are listed below with the newer lessons first.

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English Video

English video by Business English Pod.

The business English videos below include different series of practical video lessons on vocabulary, emails and basic English.

Our 925 English lessons are designed for beginners who are just starting to learn English. The lessons cover basic grammar, vocabulary, and conversation skills, making it an ideal starting point for anyone who wants to improve their English. The Video Vocab series focuses on industry-specific business English vocabulary, looking at business terms and phrases that are commonly used in different industries. Email Tune-up uses real-life writing examples to help you improve your writing skills.

All English videos are listed below, with the latest lessons at the top. Many of these lessons are also available on our Business English YouTube channel.

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Business English Idioms

English Idioms lessons by Business English Pod. Learn common business English idioms and improve your understanding of English idioms. We have over 40 Business English lessons on all types of English idioms. Learn business idioms related sports, war, gambling, time, color, food and a host of other topics.

All business English idioms. Lessons are listed by release date, with the most recent lesson at the top.

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