BEP 403 – Recruiting 2: Developing the Job Description

BEP 403 – Recruiting 2: Developing the Job Description

Learn English for HR and how to develop a job description.

November 26, 2023

BEP 402 – Recruiting 1: Identifying Needs

Learn English for HR in this lessons on recruiting and identifying needs.

November 12, 2023

Skills 360 – Managing Up 2: How to Manage Up

Learn how to manage up and develop a better relationship with your boss.

October 29, 2023

Skills 360 – Managing Up 1: Working with your Boss

In this Business English Skills 360 lesson, we look at English for management and how to manage up by developing…

October 8, 2023

BEP 401 – Socializing at Work 2: Deepening the Conversation

Learn English for socializing with colleagues in this lesson on how to deepen the conversation.

September 24, 2023