أفضل الممارسات البيئية 126 – حل المشاكل

في هذا الدرس من الإصدار الجديد من موقعنا الإنجليزية للاجتماعات الكتاب الإلكتروني والتطبيق, ننظر إلى كيفية تنظيم اجتماع ناجح لحل المشكلات والمشاركة فيه.

أحد الأسباب الأكثر شيوعًا لعقد اجتماع هو حل مشكلة. لكن, بينما قد يكون لدينا الأشخاص المناسبين في الاجتماع, غالبًا ما تكون العملية معيبة لأنه لم يتم طرح سؤال واحد والإجابة عليه بشكل واضح: "ما المشكلة?" لذا, في هذا الدرس ، سنركز على كيفية تحديد المشكلة من خلال المناقشة ثم إعادة صياغة المشكلة كتحدي.

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بالإضافة إلى الدرس أعلاه, ستمنحك النسخة التجريبية المجانية إمكانية الوصول إلى المواد التعليمية للدروس المذكورة أدناه.


212 أفكار بشأن “BEP 126 – حل المشاكل”

  1. مرحبا أيها الأصدقاء,

    I am seeking friends to practise English. I believe that my English will be improved once its pratice is taken place everyday.

    Rgds/ Nguyen

  2. I really like the BEP lessons,specially include so many useful business material to discuss on the field.
    Thanks for sharing .I’m Alex Woo from CHINA Mainland

  3. Hi friends,

    I´m living in São José dos Campos – SP. I guess this community is quite cool and usefull to improve our english language, isn´t it? Good luck to all.

  4. أهلاً, I’m phong from Viet Nam
    it’s a great when found a exciting place to practice english with you guys all,
    I hope that can be one of your friends classmates.

    please don’t laught if you found any problem or erorr above my above coment

  5. مرحبا! I’m Joanne and I moderate BEP’s Facebook page, where we chat some more about business English.

    We want to say thank for all the nice comments! We’re glad you found us and hope you’ll continue to find BEP helpful.

    We also want to encourage you to check out our other site: myBEonline (http://www.mybeonline.com). It’s a great community for learning business English.

    There, you can connect with other business English students and teachers. You can also find practice partners in our Study Buddies group. It’s free to join and easy to sign up!

  6. Hi everybody! I’m Lili from Russia. In Sommer i’ll go to Dubai and hope to find very good Job there. I spaek German very well, but English it’s not my strong site:)))) I hope this website will help me to learn English:)))) have a good day everybody!!!

  7. I’m very happy to find a fantistic website to learn English. Thank you for giving us your valuable and useful materials about Business English.

    بالاضافة, I also would like to find a practice partner. My skype user name is yanpin.cathy. Please feel free to contact me at any time you like. thank you again!

  8. @cathyhuang Thank you for your nice comments!

    If you’d like to find a practice partner, check out our other site: http://www.mybeonline.com. We have a growing community there, including a group called Study Buddies, where English learners find practice partners. Many users also use Skype to practice. It’s free to register and you can use your Facebook login, if you’d like.

  9. مرحبا,الجميع! I’m a new here and i’m very happy to find this website to improve my English.I hope i can make great progress in my spoken English.

  10. Helle everyone,hi joanne! I’m come from chongqing,china mainland.
    I’m glad to join this group.
    Is it really free? That’s perfect!
    I can read some articles, but speak and listen are difficult for me,I hope I can improve my english level with your.
    It’s amazing that see these comments from global.aha,thanks for google to help me find this website.
    بالمناسبة,my GF was said to me : “Your’re writing ‘chinese englishbecause of I understand it.Aha,That’s a joke,but also truth.

  11. @Jane and @Cross – مرحباً! We’re glad to have you with us. If you would like to practice more, check out our social network site: http://www.mybeonline.com. We have several groups there, including a Study Buddy group where English learners can find practice partners. It is free to join. نأمل أن نراكم هناك!

  12. Hello everyone! I am a new member of this wbesite and i am from China, mainland. I hope we can share experience and lessons of learning business english and i am preparing for BEC higher. Good luck to everybody.

  13. Welcome aboard, Hong bao! If you’d like to connect with other business English learners, you might like our social network site: http://www.mybeonline.com. There are several different groups of learners there and it’s free to join!

    Can you tell us more about BEC?

  14. أهلاً. Everybody.
    My name Nuong. I come from Vietnam. Now I’m a senior sale about component electronic. لكن, I meet some some problem in using english communication through telephone to introduce my products to customer. I am very happy to join in this website. I need help from everybody. If someone have some basic sentence to use in communication sale, please contact to me.
    thank u!!!!!

  15. مرحباً جميعاً,
    I’m Dennis,I’m a Chinese.I’m glad to join the BusinessEbglishPod website.
    أريد تحسين لغتي الإنجليزية.

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