أفضل الممارسات البيئية 123 – مفاوضات: إنهاء الصفقة

في الحلقة الختامية من سلسلة اللغة الإنجليزية للأعمال التفاوض بالإنجليزية, سننظر في إغلاق الصفقة.

انقر فوق الرموز أدناه للوصول إلى موارد الدرس:

Lesson Content: Podcast | Study Notes PDF | Online Quizzes | PhraseCast

12 أفكار بشأن “BEP 123 – مفاوضات: إنهاء الصفقة”

  1. I do not know the sense of the letters URI.I would like to improve my English,because I am on your portal. Last time I want to answer some questions,but I was not able.I prefere to write,read to listening.When I listen to English speaking people I do not understand- for me it is very quick.I know,I need practise.

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    Regards and thank you.

  3. يا, I’m new one, but I really enjoy all lessons here. Its very helpful for me. شكراً جزيلاً. بالمناسبة, I would like to make friends with everyone, especially the ones working in Marketing field (Brand management). My skype id: tinyriver1988

  4. @Catarina – شكرًا! We’re glad BEP is helpful for you. If you’d like to connect with other business English learners, check out our social networking site at http://www.mybeonline.com. We have several groups there, including one called Study Buddies. You can friend other users and find practice partners there. It’s free to join. نأمل أن نراكم هناك!

  5. thank you very much indeed it is very important way to teach us .
    I’m asking if we ‘ll have dialogues in supply chain management

    best wishes

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