أخبار اللغة الإنجليزية للأعمال 59 – DeepSeek

Business English News LESSON 59 - DeepSeek

في هذا اللغة الإنجليزية للأعمال درس إخباري عن اتجاهات التوظيف الحديثة, نحن ننظر إلى مفردات اللغة الإنجليزية للأعمال ذات الصلة تكنولوجيا المعلومات الإنجليزية and the DeepSeek AI chatbot.

A surprise development in artificial intelligence is making waves across the industry. DeepSeek, a Chinese AI lab, has upended expectations, drawing global attention and raising new questions about the future of AI. With new players entering the field and established giants forced to respond, this moment could redefine how AI is built, funded, and controlled in the years ahead. The drama kicked off at the start of the year, as the Financial Times reports:

A small Chinese artificial intelligence lab stunned the world by revealing the technical recipe for its cutting-edge model. This has transformed its reclusive leader into a national hero who has defied US attempts to stop China’s high-tech ambitions. DeepSeek, founded by hedge fund manager Liang Wenfeng, released its R1 model, explaining in a detailed paper how to build a large language model on a bootstrapped budget.

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