أفضل الممارسات البيئية 351 – مصطلحات لوصف العلاقات (جزء 2)

BEP 351 - English Idioms Lesson on Describing Relationships (2)

مرحبًا بكم مرة أخرى في اللغة الإنجليزية للأعمال لدرس اليوم حول التعابير الإنجليزية للأعمال for describing relationships.

We all spend a lot of time every week at work. So much, في الحقيقة, that sometimes it feels like our colleagues are a kind of family. And just like families, workplace relationships can be a source of both satisfaction and stress. Sometimes we support each other, while at other times we argue bitterly. And sometimes our disagreements are constructive, while at other times they can generate conflict.

على أي حال, whether they’re positive or negative, workplace relationships are a constant source of fascination. And English has many idioms and expressions to describe how people get along, or don’t get along. These idioms will help you discuss the often complicated relationships in your workplace.

في مربع الحوار, we’ll rejoin three colleagues at an insurance company. They’ve been talking about the relationships between the people on a new team. في مناقشتهم, يستخدمون الكثير التعابير الإنجليزية to describe how people get along, both past and present.

أسئلة الاستماع

1. How was the relationship between Dave and Diego?
2. What happened when Ivan and Dave were asked to open a new office together?
3. What does Mark say about his relationship with Chuck?

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