أفضل الممارسات البيئية 343 – مقابلة باللغة الإنجليزية: المقابلة السلوكية للجولة الثانية

BEP 343 - English Interviews: 2nd Round Behavioral Interview in English

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on second round مقابلات باللغة الإنجليزية.

You may know all about the basic أسئلة مقابلة العمل باللغة الإنجليزية. And you might be comfortable talking about your basic qualifications and experience. But most companies don’t stop the selection process after one round of interviews. They create a shortlist and invite a few outstanding candidates back for a second interview.

في كثير من الحالات, that second interview is what we call a behavioral interview. Interviewers will ask questions about how you acted or reacted to challenges in past work, and how you dealt with or adapted to different situations. في هذا الطريق, they can find out whether you have the right attitude, يقترب, and abilities for the job.

The behavioral interview is a special opportunity to demonstrate soft skills, such as leadership, or how you take a principled approach to problems. You might also want to show that you can remain calm in conflict. في كثير من الحالات, the STAR approach can help shape your responses. This is when you describe four things: the situation, the task, the action, and the result. And in this kind of مقابلة باللغة الإنجليزية, you have to be careful, because some interviewers will try to give you leading questions to get you to reveal mistakes or problems.

في حوار اليوم, we’ll hear Kat, who is applying for a job with a private healthcare company. She is being interviewed by Denise. Denise is asking Kat some tough behavioral questions, and Kat is doing a good job of demonstrating some important soft skills.

أسئلة الاستماع

1. What example does Kat give of how she showed leadership and went above and beyond?
2. What situation does Kat describe in response to a question about an unpopular decision?
3. What attitude or attribute does Kat demonstrate when describing a situation of conflict?

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