925 حصة انجليزي 14 – كيف تتحدث عن حياتك المهنية

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في اليوم 925 حصة انجليزي, we’re going to learn English for talking about your career.

Your education is an important part of your background. And there are lots of situations where you might talk about where you went to school and what you studied. A job interview is an obvious one, but you might also talk about your education in casual conversation.

925 إنجليزي is a new series of English lessons for beginners. 925 تركز دروس اللغة الإنجليزية على العبارات والتعبيرات الإنجليزية التي يمكنك استخدامها في العمل والأعمال. كل 925 English lesson features English expressions you can use in different situations and tips on why and how we use them in اللغة الإنجليزية للأعمال.

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