أفضل الممارسات البيئية 17ج – تقديم حجة باللغة الإنجليزية (2)

This is the second of a two-part Business English Pod series on presenting an argument.

This podcast is one of the most popular as voted by you, المستمعين. And to celebrate our 4th anniversary, we’re giving it another go by updating the examples and explanations. We hope you enjoy it!

When you’re presenting an argument, it’s important to back up what you’re saying. You need to have relevant facts and examples at your fingertips and think ahead to what your opponents might say. It’s also helpful to know how to talk in broad terms and give your argument some contrast. أخيرا, it’s good to know how to conclude your argument in a clear, concise way.

في هذا الدرس, we’ll explore these points in detail. We’ll talk about ways to give powerful examples. We’ll also look at language for making contrasting points and generalizations. و, we’ll show you how to finish up your argument, either formally or informally.

آخر مرة, we met Jack and Dan, who work for an American guitar manufacturer. Jack thinks moving production to Costa Rica would be a good financial move for the company. But Dan isn’t so sure.

أسئلة الاستماع

1. Why are shipping costs increasing? Give one example.
2. Why does Dan think that moving production to Costa Rica would be more expensive?
3. What is happening to the company’s market share?

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  1. بينغبك: أفضل الممارسات البيئية 17 (إعادة) – Presenting an Argument (جزء 2) | Learn English Related Pages

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