موقع جديد للفيديو المفردات

Video Vocab is now available on a new website: VideoVocab.TV

فيديو فوكاب is a video podcast (vodcast) published by Business English Pod for English as a second language (ESL) learners who want to expand and improve their English vocabulary for business.

Each ESL video lesson looks at a group of key English vocabulary words and terms related to a particular business topic. The meaning of the vocabulary is explained with simple definitions and pictures, and an example of how the vocabulary can be used.

Current lessons feature vocabulary on the economy, القانون, ادارة مشروع, accounting and finance, the credit crisis و الويب 2.0 internet technologies.

Now available in iTunes (click to subscribe)
Subscribe with اي تيونز: http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/video-vocab/id363384247

Subscribe to the RSS feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/BusinessEnglishVocab

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