أفضل الممارسات البيئية 45 - التنشئة الاجتماعية: الاستمرار في المحادثة

This is the second in a two-part intermediate Business English Pod lesson on the basics of socializing and networking. Last time you learned ways to start and finish a conversation appropriately. Today you’ll be studying how to keep a conversation going by maintaining interest.

The listening continues on from dialogue 1 from last time: كما ستتذكر, it takes place at the Asia-Pacific HR conference for Multi-Fresh, a global producer of health beverages. Penny””an HR officer from Kuala Lumpur””has struck up a conversation with George””the regional learning and development manager. حيث توقفنا في المرة الماضية, Penny had just used a tag question”-Interesting speech, wasn’t it?” – to help get the conversation started.

كما يمكنك الاستماع, حاول الإجابة على الأسئلة التالية. The answers will be posted in a few days on the مسابقة الاستماع page.

1) Near the beginning of the dialogue, Penny changes the subject. What was the old subject and what is the new subject?
2) Where has Penny seen George before?
3) What is George’s hobby?
4) What does George mean when he says “It’s not really such a big deal.”
5) Is Penny going to join George in next year’s event?

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