أخبار الأعمال 3 – 200 خطأ مليون دولار

Our news story today is about a share trader in a Japanese bank who made perhaps the worlds most expensive typing error!

بعد أن تستمع إلى القصة, we’ll explain some of the new vocabulary and provide further examples of how it can be used. The transcript for this Business English News podcast is in the ‘Archives’ الجزء:

Members: PDF Transcript

Download: Podcast MP3

1 thought on “Business News 3 – 200 خطأ مليون دولار”

  1. كوستادين ستويلوف

    “أخبار الأعمال 3 – 200 خطأ مليون دولار” is meant to be MP3 file, not PDF one. Would you please include the missing file since I am curious to listen to this story.

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