BEP 87 – Interviews in English: Talking about Accomplishments (2)

BEP 87 - job interview business english

You’re listening to the second in a two-part Business English Podcast series on talking about accomplishments. This is one of an ongoing sequence of podcasts on job interviews in English.

The theme for this episode and the last is provide examples. In the first part, we looked at a bad and good version of a recent university graduate talking about his academic successes. We studied how to use our accomplishments to demonstrate skills and characteristics that will be attractive to our potential employer.

In this lesson, we examine another good response to the question about previous experience and describing your accomplishments. We’ll be looking at someone with a little more job experience: Yala Santos is an HR specialist who is working in a manufacturing company. She now has an opportunity to interview for an HR manager position in a business unit of a fast moving consumer goods company, Fun Beverages International. Let’s listen to how Yala deals with talking about her greatest achievement.

Ordinarily, when responding the question about your most significant accomplishment, it’s very important that you prepare to tell a story that is organized and articulate. That means the story should be well structured and flow smoothly. Though there are many ways to make your presentation, Yala uses the same general format that I like to follow.

Listening Questions

1. You will probably need to set up the story by providing some context. Where were you? What was the situation? What was at stake, that is, what did you stand to lose or gain?
2. Recount your role in the situation. How were you involved?
3. Next, discuss what you did, including any analysis or problem solving, any process you set up, and any obstacles you had to overcome.
4. Reveal the outcome and what made you proud.

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5 thoughts on “BEP 87 – Interviews in English: Talking about Accomplishments (2)”

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  3. Mr. Fadi Al Najjar

    Dear Sir ,

    I would like to thank you for such a job well done in this site ,you almost covered everything we need in interview ,that give me more confident to face the interviewer and answer his questions .

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    i would like to thank you so much for interesting,useful, scientific context.
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    Best Regards,

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