在我们正在进行的这一集中 关于英语商务谈判的商务英语播客系列, 我们将讨论如何克服谈判中的障碍.
通常我们将阻塞视为绊脚石, 或障碍物, 达成协议. 但阻塞也可能成为创造最大价值的障碍. 换一种说法, 我们不仅有兴趣消除达成协议的障碍,而且有兴趣消除达成更好协议的障碍. 成功地做到这一点通常需要跳出框框思考, 那是, 创造性地思考.
所以在这一集中, 我们将研究克服障碍. 尤其, 我们将专注于识别绊脚石, 探索替代方案, 并朝着达成协议的方向迈进.
还记得彼得, 文本的所有者, 一直试图收购Maxine的公司, 赌棍, 作为他整合其他小企业战略的一部分. 他的最终目标是增加自己业务的价值,以便将其出售给更大的公司以获得可观的利润. 在之前的剧集中, 彼得曾试图收购玛克辛的公司, 但由于玛克辛不愿放弃或降低她的价格,谈判陷入了僵局 15 百万.
在今天的聆听中, 彼得给玛克辛回电话以重启谈判. 当你听, 关注他们用来消除达成协议障碍的语言.
1. 彼得如何建议与玛克辛重启谈判?
2. 彼得认为达成交易的主要障碍是什么?
3. 彼得说的是什么意思, “对我们来说这不是成长的问题, 这是一个生存问题。”
4. 彼得的关键见解是什么,使玛克辛和他能够克服障碍?
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I have just bought the premium account. I am really satisfied with the materials here. Thank you for the great job!
The only question is why are the online activities not all in the flash version (like I was provided while using the free trial version) but in the old-style HTML? I expected that minimum the activities to the new E-Books like Succeessful Job Interviews would be in a Flash. The HTML version is not so motivating as the modern flash version;-( Or do I have just to click somewhere here to use the flash version?
We share your enthusiasm for the new Flash activities and we’re working on converting all existing activities to this new format.
然而, as noted in the link, the activities for BEP 122 are just a preview. We will start converting the rest later this month and estimate this work will take at least 4-5 months to complete (有结束 700 活动).
As you mentioned, we will start with the eBooks – the new negotiations series will actually be first, followed by jobs, 演示文稿 & 会议.
As the new activities become available we will be sure to notify all members and provide links.
Thanks for your patience in the meantime.
Thanks a lot for your feedback. I am glad to hear that you are working on that issue. I am sure this is very important for the success of your website. It is like eating the best food from an ugly plate…. But I know that the food on your site is very good and healthy for my Business English skills and would eat it further. Looking forward to using the beautiful plate as soon as possible… ;-)
Good luck and best regards!