BEP 45 – 社群: 保持對話

這是第二個 兩部分中級商務英語播客課程 社交和網路基礎知識. 上次您學習如何適當地開始和結束對話. 今天你將學習如何透過保持興趣來保持對話的進行.

聆聽從對話繼續 1 從上次: 您會記得, 它在 Multi-Fresh 亞太人力資源會議上舉行, 全球健康飲料生產商. Penny「來自吉隆坡的人力資源官員」已與區域學習和發展經理 George 進行了對話. 我們上次停下來的地方, 佩妮剛剛使用了一個標籤問題”-有趣的演講, 不是嗎??」 – 幫助開始對話.

當你聽, 嘗試回答以下問題. 答案將在幾天後發佈在 聽力測驗 頁.

1) 對話即將開始時, 佩妮改變話題. 什麼是舊科目,什麼是新科目?
2) 佩妮以前在哪裡見過喬治?
3) 喬治的興趣是什麼?
4) 當喬治說「這其實沒什麼大不了的」時,他的意思是什麼?
5) 佩妮會和喬治一起參加明年的活動嗎?

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8 關於「BEP」的思考 45 – 社群: 保持對話”

  1. Please send me the transcripts of BEP 45 INT – 社群: Keeping a conversation going and BEP053SN_Complaints1. 非常感謝你.

  2. You can get these transcripts and a whole lot more by signing up as a premium member.

    As a premium member of BEP you will have access to study notes for each podcast. These include a full transcript, vocabulary and example phrases.

    Online review exercises will also be added to the site in July. These will feature interactive exercises for listening, language and speaking practice.

    Follow this link to go directly to the sign up page:

  3. It seems apparent in all things that good manners is at the very basis for dealing with others, whether it be in conversations, handling complaints or just getting along at the office.

    The School system really needs to do more at ensuring our kids have good manners before they graduate as a necessary skill. Its required in the real world



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